The Dungeon Below V1.0!

Hello! I'm excited to share my first real game release.

The Dungeon Below has been an ongoing project of mine that I have used to learn the ins and outs of various aspects of Unity. It started as a simple project to practice map building. Then I discovered the GBCamera Unity package by RogueNoodle (credits on game page) and thought it'd be really fun to create a horror game with this limited retro style. Thus, The Dungeon Below was born.

I want to talk a little bit about the design process so spoilers ahead. I really wanted to lean into the feeling of being stalked, and I liked the idea of having a monster staring at you from down a hallway in the darkness. Turns out it is really difficult to accomplish good atmospheric horror without great audio skills. I found that if the monster stalked the whole time and didn't attack without being provoked, the game was too easy, and the horror aspect wore off pretty quickly. So, I did my best to maintain the difficulty with that feeling of being watched. Let me know how I did!

This project is done for now, but through development I've had many more ideas. The GBCamera package makes it very easy to switch the entire color palette of the game, so I've already brainstormed potential new levels with different color schemes as you dive deeper into the dungeon. These would contain different monster(s), gimmicks, and goals for the player. I'd also like to add a hard mode and unlocks, like the ability to switch between color palettes. Let me know what you guys think about it. If there is enough interest, I'll definitely continue the project!

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